Video ADS Earning AIA Project File | Professional Earning App


Video ADS Earning AIA Project File | Professional Earning App 

Hello Guys,
I am loving the response you are giving to me , you are constantly encouraging me to give you more & more.
I am having a very great feeling that I am able to help someone.
Hope you too are loving the Project Files given by me.


Today I am giving you Project file of High Quality Professional Earning App which includes Video ADS .
If you promote the app right way I am giving guarantee you would earn some great Money.
It has LOGIN, SIGNUP Features included too.

The Video Ads can help to increase your earning in great way.
Because it has much more CPC than of our regular Interstitial Ads.
The project have almost 25 Screen, and it is much professional .The Blocks are setup perfectly.
The Reward Video also give much more rate per impression than of interstitial Ads.
I hope you like the project.
Keep Supporting.


Video ads have become a popular way for app developers to monetize their apps. By displaying video ads to users, developers can earn revenue based on the number of impressions or clicks generated by the ads. However, implementing video ads in an app can be a complex process, requiring knowledge of APIs and backend development. Fortunately, there are pre-made templates available that can be customized to create a video ads system quickly and easily.

One such template is the free Video ADS Earning AIA Project File for Thunkable, which is available for free download. This template is designed to help developers create a video ads system for their app without requiring any backend development. In this article, we will review the features of this template and how it can be customized to create a video ads system.


The free Video ADS Earning AIA Project File for Thunkable comes with several features that make it an ideal template for creating a video ads system. Some of these features include:

  1. User-friendly interface: The template comes with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to view and interact with video ads.

  2. Video ad integration: The template comes with video ad integration functionality that allows developers to display video ads from popular ad networks such as AdMob and Facebook Audience Network.

  3. Revenue tracking: The template comes with revenue tracking functionality that tracks the revenue generated by video ads.

  4. Error handling: The template comes with error handling functionality that displays error messages if there is an issue with the video ad display.


The free Video ADS Earning AIA Project File for Thunkable can be customized to create a unique video ads system. Some of the ways in which the template can be customized include:

  1. Customizing the UI: The UI of the template can be customized to match the branding of the app.

  2. Changing the video ad network: The template is designed to work with AdMob and Facebook Audience Network by default, but developers can change this to use a different ad network if desired.

  3. Adding additional ad formats: Developers can add additional ad formats to the video ads system, such as banner ads or interstitial ads.

  4. Integrating with backend systems: While the template is designed to work without backend development, developers can integrate it with their existing backend systems if desired.

  5. Adding additional functionality: Developers can add additional functionality to the video ads system, such as the ability to track user engagement with the ads or the ability to display ads based on user demographics.


The free Video ADS Earning AIA Project File for Thunkable is a great template for developers who want to create a video ads system quickly and easily. The template comes with several features that make it an ideal choice for a video ads system, such as a user-friendly interface, video ad integration functionality, revenue tracking, and error handling. Additionally, the template can be customized to create a unique video ads system that matches the branding and revenue goals of the app.

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